Reunion in Bogotá marks the start of the Steering Committee and Executive Coordination's work
Between April 18 and 21, 2023, members of the Alianza Fondos del Sur had the opportunity to meet in person for the first time. The meeting, which took place in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, was organized by Fundo Emerger and was attended by the nine founding funds of the Alianza: Fundo de Acción Solidaria (Mexico), Fundo Casa Socioambiental (Brazil), Fundo Ñeque (Ecuador), Fundo Semilla (Bolivia), Fundo Socioambiental Emerger (Colombia), Fundo Socioambiental Peru (Peru), Fundo Tierra Viva (Central America), Fundo Tindzila (Mozambique), and Instituto Samdhana (Southeast Asia).

The aim of the meeting was to establish the institutional structure of the Alianza Fondos del Sur. This resulted in defining the group’s governance, including the election of its Steering Committee, composed of members from the Casa, Emerger, and Tindzila funds. It also involved deepening discussions about the vision and mission and the development of the group’s first strategic plan. Additionally, this occasion marked the beginning of the Executive Coordination’s work, led by Juliana Tinoco.